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Our board consists of various business contributors including local attorney's, community management professionals,  and home owner volunteers. Our board is passionate and cares about what they do. 

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President – Leah   Messmore, CMCA, AMS,   PCAM Ardsley  Management Company

President Elect – Carl Schwander,   DM, AMS, CMCA Associa- CASI

 Vice President – Greg Chandler, Eads, Murray & Pugh, P.C.

Treasurer – Don March,   Willow Lakes East Owners   Association

Secretary –Samantha J. Fitzpatrick, CMCA, Regional VP of Indiana Operations AAM, LLC

Director at Large-  Dana Stout, CMCA, AMS, Association Management Inc.      

Director at Large- Kelly Elmore, Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit

Director at Large- Paul Kirkpatrick, Realty Group Insurance 

Director at Large-Travis Round, Steffey Insurance 

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