We help you stay at the top of your game. The most important action you can take to increase your earning potential, accelerate your career, and grow your business in this booming industry is to obtain credentials that keep you sharp and competitive.
CAI's Professional Management Development Program and credentialing program can help you achieve these goals. Click the name of the credential below to view more information, obtain an application, or access a re-designation form.
Background Requirements
Application Fee
Course Requirements
Association Management Specialist (AMS)*
Two (2) years of direct community association management experience
Member** $150
Nonmember $385
At least two (2) M-200 level courses (M-201--M206) + pass CMCA exam***
Professional Association Manager (PCAM)*
Five (5) years of direct community association management experience
Nonmember $430
All six (6) M-200 level courses + pass CMCA exam*** + pass the Case Study
Large-Scale Manager (LSM)*
Active PCAM + 10 years of community association management experience. Five (5) must be as a large-scale manager. Please see the related page for more information.
Member** $95
Nonmember $320
CAI Large-Scale Managers Workshop or M-340
Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC)*
Three (3) years of verified experience providing community association management services + a PCAM leader + credentialed staff
Member+ $300
Nonmember $550
Individual staff members must meet requirements according to their credentials